Title Research: Art of the Title Website
When I began researching this website, I thought I would find it boring. How much could I really learn about movie titles? I actually found it very interesting, especially the title sequences/art. I learned that by watching the movie, the artists decide what color scheme would best represent the feeling and energy the movie gives off. For example, a seemingly bright and fun movie would include neon's and light colors. However, if the movie had a plot twist such as a main character turning evil, the patterns of the colors might represent this. Lots of crazy twists and shapes that basically turn into a mess would represent their mind going from a simple happy place to a twisted maze. For scary movies, the art would probably be dark, with a simple font for the title and lots of shadows. This gets the audience intrigued because they want to know the secrets and mysteries that the film holds. Now, looking at movie posters I can better tell how the movie is going to go. The title sequence holds a lot more detail, thought, and foreshadowing than anyone would ever think.
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