Final Day of Filming

Planning Blog 9: Karli Norkin 

After the hair dye film we had to finish the day with the paddle boarding. We filmed us getting on the board then moving around the water for a bit. This was the end of that filming day. Now we had to film another day to complete the whole film. We did this the next Friday. We decided there was only a bit left we had to film. This included the goodbye scene with Charlotte and Lily and the scenes with Noah or Natalie as we changed it. We started with the goodbye scene. We filmed this infront of some trees and bushes making the location unclear. We filmed the conversation with over-shoulder shots and wide shots. We then ended that scene with them hugging. The next scene we needed to film was Lily running to Natalie’s house. We filmed Lily running through the street then turning into her house. We then cut to her running up to the door. She then stops for a second to create anticipation. Then she knocks on the door. This is all filmed behind her with the camera looking at what she is. The door then opens showing Natalie. The camera cuts to Natalies view and Lily’s view. When Lily confesses her love she then turns around and runs away. She then runs down the street and calls Charlotte to tell her to meet her. There is now only one scene left.

Streets | Denison Texas


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