Genre Research: Murder Mystery
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My group and I have decided to continue our project in the mystery genre. The movie Murder Mystery is about a couple who goes on vacation in Europe is being framed for the murder of a millionaire. They have to act as the detectives and find the real killer. This movie contains similar elements that most mystery films have. This movie contained suspenseful music and a lot of fast-paced cutting. The frequent use of crosscutting makes the audience predict what will happen as soon as the cutting stops. Some of the elements in mystery films are as simple as a crime and a villain. The villain always gets caught at the end, which could have a negative effect on the audience. Most mystery genre films have the same ending. There is always a hero that solves the mystery. In this movie, the couple discovers that the killer was the character that helped them all along. There are foreshadowing and a set of clues that are eventually pieced together at the end. It is common for there to be a "red herring", which is a false clue, known to add more suspects. eventually, it is revealed one at a time who is innocent. I like the foreshadowing and when there is a clue that is just added to throw the audience off the track of figuring out the killer before they are revealed. An element I did not like from the movie is how they could have caught the killer multiple times, but the director had the characters make mistakes that would never happen in real life. I don't like when movies based on reality don't make normal decisions. We have decided to include the foreshadowing and the character's personalities in our final task. This will help the audience decide for themselves who would be apart of the journey of finding the missing character. This movie is a good example of how a comical mystery could be portrayed and I can still get ideas from it for our group's final task.
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