Title Research: Catch Me if You Can
This film is from the website www.artofthetitle.com. The titles displayed are the names of the producers, actors, and much more. The titles are all of the people who helped make the movie. They pop up and then slowly go away as the lines fade. The images are of an animated man in a suit. There are sometimes multiple men being shown with briefcases in their hands. There are lines going up the screen that then turn into the words and names of the people. There are also some women all on the way to work. These images show how society works and can leave people out and not let them in. The images all show the people going to work and leading normal boring lives. Then the images change and go to the cars as a man is running from another man. It shows one man trying to get by without the other man seeing him. There are always other people intertwined into the man running away. They go through different places. Then at the end the man finally catches up to him and finds him and they run off as the scene closes. The film establishes the feeling of the genre from the beginning because of the music choice. Also, the way the people function in the images, it makes the viewer intrigued and questioning what will happen. It shows mystery because the viewer will wonder what is happening to the man and why he is acting the way he is. The strategies used to make sure the film appeals to its targeted audience are all of the older characters in the picture going to work. It will appeal to an adult audience; in the sense they will relate to the film in a way. Technology is a main part of this title sequence, there are transitions, animations, and much more. Technology is what made this title sequence, there are no real things in it, it is all made through technology.
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