Choosing our genre
Its done!
Both my partner and I researched the three genres. Repeating: Romance, Drama, and Suspense. Now, like we said before, our short movie could fit into any of these and still be a success. This is all due to the storyline of our movie, and the obstacles within it. At first, before the researching process was started, we were just thinking in general. We picked these three genres off the top of our head, and then both of us thought our movie would most likely go into the romance genre. This is where we proved ourselves wrong.
A couple days later....
Our genre research was finished. We in fact were wrong. Our movie may have romance in it, but that's not all it is. Our movie is Drama!!! Drama consists of, External Conflict with another character, Internal Conflict that only the audience sees, Tension, Anxiety, and Suspense in many Scenes. For example, The hate you give. This movie has romance in it, and it's a big part of the movie, but there are other aspects to it. This is just like our movie idea. Which is why we thought this would be the best choice. We both feel our movie will strive in this genre the most. As well as gives us more creative freedom to explore, instead of being trapped in a box, like we would be if we chose romance. Overall, we think we picked the better option. Hopefully that works out.
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