Finale Bucket List Filming

 Planning Blog 8: Karli Norkin 

Filming the beach scene with the best friends was very easy and quick.The beach was very nice visually. There was also a deck Rylie could stand on. While Lily and Charlotte ran down it into the water. The plan when filming was to keep the camera as still as possible in this scene. We wanted it to seem as if you were standing there watching them. Then we had the camera tilt up into the sky as Lily entered the water. This gives more anticipation for the viewers and leaves them not knowing exactly what they were doing. Then we had to film the scenes set at the house. We started with the scene where Lily and her mom find out an asteroid is coming. We filmed this before our hair was green. We decided on a pan angle to get the television in before we show their faces so the audience will know what they are looking at when they find out. We made sure the angle the camera was at was in a way you could see Lily and her mom at once. Once we filmed this scene we needed to do the hair dye. We needed to do this before they paddle board in case we fell in and got all wet and so our hair was green for it. We filmed the hair dye scene in the bathroom. We sprayed each other's hair while laughing to make it as authentic as possible. We wanted the friendship to seem real. We only had one chance at this scene so we made sure to get it right the first time. One our hair was green it was over. We had to film in a way you could not see the camera in the mirror. 

Extreme Green Daily Conditioner: Stop your green hair dye from fading! 


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