Title Research: Hostage

This film is from the website www.artofthetitle.com. The titles include the companies that made it, the actors, producers, movie title, director, and more people who helped make the film. The images in the opening sequence are of buildings and fences. There are also images of people with guns or people just being there. There are some shots of fences as well. Each image is only three colors. The connotations the images have are people trying to get someone out of a hostage situation. The viewer sees the people around the buildings and fences trying to get in. The people are in a situation which makes the people wonder if the person stuck will be ok. Each image shows fear and concern as the people try to get in to help. The shadows used also adds a sense of success. The genre is established by the mystery of whether the person will get out or not. There is also music over the sequence that makes people feel the suspense that is to come in the movie. The film uses the music, guns, and dark pictures to show that this will be scary, and suspenseful. This helps the viewer realize it is best for an adult rather than a kid. The technology used increases the viewers knowledge of what the movie will be about. It gives the sequence the color and images it needs. The three colors used adds a dark tone to the movie which the technology gives it. The images are produced by the movie as well. The images are the whole sequence, so they are the most important. The transitions are also strong and add a lot to the sequence.  So, the technology was used effectively.


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