
 Our storyboard displays everything that will happen in our film. There are enough things to fill the time we are given. The story will be filled enough so the viewers will know what the story will be about. There will be an ending that will leave the audience wondering. There will be no time wasted with unnecessary things. There will be hints and details to show what may happen. Every scene tells part of the story. Everything is put together to create suspense and mystery. The story behind each scene will deepen the overall film. Everything is important and will be the perfect time when all together. The scene in the car shows the emotion. The shot of the missing cat and child poster creates suspense. Then the girl riding by will be suspicious. Then the scene in the house makes things seem more interesting. When the girls are walking on the railroad tracks talking adds to the story as well. The last scene then shows them finding the bow. This creates suspense as to what will happen. When they look at each other they are confused but interested. The audience will feel the same way. They will be left wanting to know what will happen. So, overall, the story comes together and is a great mystery. 


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