Filming Bucket List

 Planning Blog 7: Karli Norkin

Once we filmed the beginning in the car we needed to begin driving. There were two lines in this scene. Between Lily and Charlotte. Lily says “I’ll hit the gas.” Charlotte says “I’ll hit the radio.” Then Charlotte plays the song. This involves editing for us. We wanted the sound to first play through the car. Then we wanted it to play through the actual sound as if the audience was in the car. We wanted it to seem as if the watcher was there. This involved important editing and timing. We had to stop the song in the car exactly where the beat of the song was to make sure it went together. We wanted to make it smooth. Editing also would be important in the end with putting the songs together at the right times. We then needed to film more scenes of the bucket list. We moved from that parking lot to the other shopping center. There we filmed us looking at the hair spray. We would film the hair spray scene later. We needed to find the right angle to show us looking at the hairspray. Where you can see us and the product. Once we filmed that scene we headed to the beach. We needed to film the scene of them running to the beach and going in the water. This scene worked out very well because the weather was very nice and we gathered a lot of appealing shots.

9,874 Bucket List Stock Photos, Pictures & Royalty-Free Images - iStock


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