Title Research: Number 23

This film was from the website, www.watchthetitles.com. The opening sequence is well put together. There are titles of the people who made the film, but also hints about what is to come in the film. There are sentences about secrets. There is also the number 23 everywhere. The number is in every image. The images contain the number 23 all over them and it is written in ink that was typed on a typewriter. There is also blood being splattered on the paper. The blood spreads throughout the paper as the image stays there. Throughout the sequence there is more and more blood, until it covers the whole thing. The images connotations are to show how the number 23 is recurring and comes up a lot. Each image has the number on it to show that idea. The images make the viewer suspenseful and a little uncomfortable. The genre is shown through the way the sequence commences. It starts with just the writing and as it goes on it get more confusing and mysterious. There is no blood until the red letters start to show up and then the blood slowly starts to be shown. This adds a mystery and a thrill as you watch. The music also makes the viewer unsure of what will come. The sequence is unsettling and dark which will make the viewer sure to know if it is right for them. The film is targeted for adults and if the viewer watches the sequence that will be known. The blood and the music all play a role in notifying the viewer that there is a mysterious side to the movie that they may not be ready for. The technology is used well in this sequence, with the transitions, the imagery, and more it all ties together to make it great. The effects of the writing and the blood are all done with the editing. The transitions are as well. The music that goes over the whole thing adds the suspense needed. All of the details added with the technology make the sequence perfect.


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